
The Heavenly WC
is a YSG born in 2005 in
Wesley Methodist Church Youth Ministry



March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
December 2005
October 2006
April 2008


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Friday, June 24, 2005

hallo again :)
with regards to jashen/greg's suggestion to watch initial d this sunday instead of gg to fort canning, jonathan and i have discussed it & we've decided that this time let's still continue with initial plans & go fort canning for a time of fellowship thru games n food k? :)
cos we feel tt watching initial d might be a little...anti-social...cos no one wd be talking to each other!!! hahaha...yupyup...
maybe another fellowship sunday we go for another movie but not this wk k? hee...
if u all wd still like to watch initial d together we cn go later on sunday evening after 2pm lah...yupyup...or meet up another day? hee...

oh yah...this sun we will prob finish off at abt 1.30pm-2pm like that...for those who will need to go off earlier at about 1pm that's fine too :)
looking fwd to seeing all of u!! :)

yiLing at 10:32 AM

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

hello everyone!!!

yay i'm super happy more ppl are blogging n tagging!! :)

ok noted luke...enjoy ur holiday in m'sia!
noted also, becky...all the best for ur tournament! no prob about not being able to come n bring ur fren along too...u cn invited her/him anytime yah? and actually, saturday youth service only begins at abt 7.30pm so if you still can and want to come down after your match do join us yah? *smiles*

glad that some of you do make it a point to drop by and read what's gg on even though you may not feel comfortable with tagging or blogging anything's alright! but there's nth to be shy about yah? even if you feel like you dunno what to say, just say hi like shannen or sth! :)

hee okok now about this sun's fellowship sunday...for those who can, let's go for 9.30am prayer and praise (meet in the hall turn right as usual) and then we cn all head to fort canning park at about 11am for a time of fellowship thru a picnic and games yah? :)
for those who cannot go for the 9.30am service, do join us at fort canning at about 11.30am or meet us at 11am outside church (at the staircase there) k? yupyup.

k now let's settle who's bringing what...can i have volunteers?
we need some basic stuff lah...
say...drinks...can 2 ppl pls volunteer to bring some drinks enuf for abt 10 ppl? thanks.
then...finger nuggets or fishballs or something...any of you can volunteer to bring such goodies? nicely ask your mums or maids or someone to help you prepare them or something?
of course, no fellowship is complete w/o lotsa junk food like potato chips and can i also have 2 volunteers to bring 2 packets of chips each?
i will see how much time i have, maybe i can bake sth for you guys or prepare sandwiches lah... :)

pls tag or post what you can bring ok??
thanks lots!!!

P.S. wayne...u bringing soccer ball and netball is it? confirmed? i think one will do lah...hee...

P.P.S. yupyup as jonathan said, do feel free to treat this blog as your own yah?? or if you'd like to discuss something more personal you are not comfortable with sharing, my hp is on 24/7 and you can call anytime...i reali mean aNytime...hee...yupyup...

looking fwd to seeing you all on sat n sun as well!! :)

yiLing at 12:29 AM

Monday, June 20, 2005

Hep pple... Jonathan here. What do you pple want to do at Fort Canning on Sunday. And since it is a picnic, can everyone bring some food? Nothing big though..... Just some light snacks. I can provide some stuff. Just tag to tell me what you would like and i will see what i can do. Also, if any of you have any balls.....netball, soccerball, volleyball so on can also bring it along. Hope you pple can make it as i am sure it will be a time of fun and also a chance for me and Yiling to get to know you better.

Hope you pple are ok ( despite the fact that the holidays are ending =) and it would be nice if we get to know each other better and get more involved in each others lives. Feel free to you this space and the tagboard to post prayer requests or just idle chatter (Nothing unhealthy and unpleasant though). And if any of you have problems or certain questions and issues you wish to speak to us about, just call Yiling or myself. My handphone is on 24/7 ( but please dont call me in the middle of the night.... thanks =)

ThE KeY at 3:01 PM

Sunday, June 19, 2005

hello wayne here...this is bout next weeks it is at fort canning i think it is lyk a picnic if im not wrong tell me in the tag cos i not sure and where to meet..? wad r we gonna do..? haha any suggestion can lyk say cos we can tell yilling and she can help us...haha..sorry..but we need everyone's co-operation thanks..

Anonymous at 11:58 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

hello everyone!! so sorry i've not been blogging...
been super super busy n tired...haha...
anywayz wanna remind/let all of u know...this sunday there is NO ym ok??? yeah cos all the ysgls and aysgls will be away at a retreat over the do go for pnp/sanctuary with ur parents or on ur own ok???
will miss u guys!!! hahaha....but will see u nex wk yah??

by the way...whoever it was who tagged the last msg, i know who u are...yeah...i wun mention ur name here...but i dun think it is very nice to use someone else's name to slander others? yeah...

i'll be resetting the tagboard now ok?
everyone pls blog n tag more...but dun spam yah?? hee...

yiLing at 11:59 PM